口腔医学 ›› 2022, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 62-67.doi: 10.13591/j.cnki.kqyx.2022.01.011

• 临床研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


王梦琪1, 王丽萍1, 盛丽1, 张蓓1, 刘奕杉1,2   

  1. 1 新疆医科大学第一附属医院(附属口腔医院)儿童口腔科,新疆乌鲁木齐(830054);
    2 新疆维吾尔自治区口腔医学研究所,新疆乌鲁木齐(830054)
  • 修回日期:2021-08-25 出版日期:2022-01-28 发布日期:2022-01-28
  • 通讯作者: 刘奕杉 E-mail:lys-tree@126.com

A systematic review of the effect of Hall techniqueon treating deciduous molar tooth caries

WANG Mengqi, WANG Liping, SHENG Li, ZHANG Pei, LIU Yishan   

  1. Department of Pediatric Dentistry, First Affiliated Hospital (Affiliated Stomatological Hospital) of Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830054, China
  • Revised:2021-08-25 Online:2022-01-28 Published:2022-01-28

摘要: 目的 系统评价Hall技术治疗乳磨牙龋病的效果。方法 计算机检索维普数据库、中国生物医学、Web of Science、万方数据库、The Cochrane library、中国知网、PubMed、Embase,检索时限是建立数据库至2021年5月。经过筛选文献、质量评估和提取资料,最终分析用 RevMan 5.3 软件进行。结果 共纳入14个RCT,包括1 169例患者,2 021颗牙齿。Meta分析结果显示:Hall技术治疗乳磨牙龋病的成功率和传统预成冠相当(P=0.52),比充填治疗效率高(P<0.01),Hall技术治疗时间较传统预成冠短(P<0.01),和充填治疗差异无统计学意义(P=0.65),应用Hall技术治疗的患儿面部疼痛表现较传统预成冠轻(P<0.05),和充填治疗差异无统计学意义(P=0.55),相比Hall技术患儿更配合传统预成冠的治疗(P<0.01),与充填治疗相比差异无统计学意义(P=0.79)。结论 现有证据显示,Hall技术治疗乳磨牙龋病临床有效率更高,且医生患儿对治疗的反应好,但受纳入研究数量限制,上述结论尚待更多研究予以验证。

关键词: Hall技术, 金属预成冠, 乳磨牙龋病, Meta分析

Abstract: Objective To systematically review the effect of Hall technique on treating caries of primary molars. Methods Weipu Database, China Biomedicine, Web of Science, Wanfang Database, The Cochrone library, CNKI, PubMed, Embase were electronically searched from inception to May 2021. After screening literature, quality assessment and data extraction, the final analysis was performed with RevMan 5.3 software. Results Fourteen RCTs were included, including 1 169 patients and 2 021 teeth. Results of Meta analysis showed that: the success rate of Hall technique in treating deciduous molar tooth caries was equivalent to that of traditional preformed crowns (P=0.52), which was more efficient than filling treatment (P<0.01). Treatment time of Hall technique was shorter than traditional preformed crowns (P<0.01), with no statistically significant difference from filling treatment (P=0.65), the facial pain of children treated with Hall technique was lighter than that of traditional preformed crowns (P<0.05), with no statistically significant difference from filling treatment (P=0.55). Compared with Hall technique, children were more coordinating with traditional pre-coronal treatment (P<0.01), which was not statistically different from filling therapy (P=0.79). Conclusion Existing evidence shows that Hall technology may be more effective in treating deciduous molar caries, and that doctors and children respond well to treatment. However, due to the limited number of included studies, the above conclusions need to be verified by more studies.

Key words: Hall technique, metal preformed crown, deciduous molar caries, Meta-analysis
