›› 2018, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (7): 653-657.

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Research progress of micronization/nanocrystallization on dental implant surface


  • Received:2017-09-13 Revised:2017-10-26 Online:2018-07-28 Published:2018-07-28

Abstract: Dental implantation has become an important way to repair dental defects and the biological activity of implant surface has an important influence on the success rate of implantation. With the development of bionics and nanotechnology, more and more scholars hope that the surface of the implant can be further micrometer or nano treated on the basis of conventional sand blast etching, to construct a more bio-active implant surface. After combing the methods of building surface structure of implant at home and abroad, methods of micronization on the surface of implants is classified into one kind, while methods of nanocrystallization on the surface of implants is classified into another kind. Experimental methods, effects on osteogenesis and the principles of action of the two classification will be compared in order to provide the basis for further studies.

Key words: Dental implant, Micronization, Nanocrystallization, Biological activity

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