Stomatology was established in 1981, In 2003, the journal was included in “Source Journals of Chinese Scientific and Technological Papers and Citations”, and became a Key Magazine of China Technology. It is also included by “Chinese S&T Journal Citation Reports”, “Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database”, “Chinese Science Citation Database”, “China Academic Journal”, Abstract Journal (AJ, Russian), Chemical Abstract (CA, US), and other major databases at home and abroad.
The journal is committed to combining theory with practice, popularization with improvement, making contribution to both basic application research and practical experience. For papers subsidized by funding projects, a “green channel” is set up for fast publishing. At the same time, research papers and experience with guiding significance to clinical practice are also prioritized. Columns include Basic Research, Clinical Research, Preventive Oral Medicine, Outpatient Management, Investigation, Preventive Oral Medicine, Review, Summary, Short Article, etc.
The journal is monthly issued with 96 pages, color printing with coated paper, priced at RMB 18.00 yuan per issue. Subscription can be made via local post office, Post issueing 28-78.