›› 2019, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (9): 849-853.

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Research progress on prevention techniques for childrens caries


  • Received:2018-10-19 Revised:2018-11-23 Online:2019-09-28 Published:2019-09-17

Abstract: Dental caries can not only reduce childrens oral chewing function, but also affect the growth and development of the whole body of children. According to the results of the fourth national oral health epidemiology survey, the caries rate of deciduous teeth in children aged 5 increased by 5.9% compared with ten years ago, and the caries rate of permanent teeth in children aged 12 increased by 9.6%. Therefore, the prevention of caries in children is imperative. With the emergence of new materials and new technologies, the preventive measures for dental caries in children are changing. In this paper, the methods of preventing caries in children with different mechanisms are summarized.

Key words: children, caries, prevention, research progress, immunization of caries

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